Monday, August 9, 2010

MICA welcomes Six Legged Freshers

A new batch has arrived at MICA. Qualifying criteria: smelly, crawly and dirty. The monsoons have arrived. And so have the pests. They are all over the place. In rooms, cupboards and bathrooms, they are everywhere!! The students are scared to death. According to sources there has been a 33% increase in demand of “Baygon” from Micare. Remarks Abhinit Agarwal,” Pest infestation is a major problem in MICA, especially during the rainy season. This year things have only become worse. When I came to my room I saw some scary flies all over my room and it reminded me of those scenes from the movie “Mummy””. That’s not all. Ramesh, a well known entomologist, among other things, says” most of these bugs are not normal bugs, they look mutated. In fact I’m doing a case study on this called” bug bug bigalow””. Akshaya, a student who had been on the Global Immersion trip to Hungary says” when I left Budapest, I thought that the experience will stay with me forever. But while the pests are everywhere, Buda is nowhere to be found”. There are many who agree with Abhinit and Akshaya, but are scared to voice their opinions. There are unconfirmed reports that these bugs are a part of the great academic rigour that everyone has been talking about. For all we know, this is just a rumour. Because when it comes to the scary stuff, “chacha knows pest”