Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three colors!

"Though I speak with the tongues of angels,
If I have not love...
My words would resound with but a tinkling of a cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy...
And understand all mysteries...
and all knowledge...
And though I have all faith
So that I could remove mountains,
if I have not love...
I am nothing.
Love is patient, full of goodness;
Love tolerates all things,
Aspires to all things,
Love never dies,
while the prophecies shall be done away,
tongues shall be silenced,
knowledge shall fade...
thus then shall linger only 
faith, hope, and love...
but greatest of these...
is love".

(the song from Three Colours : Blue)
The context is set. There is loss, pain, death. There is a need to be liberated, to be free, to be equal and to just belong. Then there are these beautiful lines narrated in the background as you see flashes of the characters built so beautifully on celluloid. The music reaches a crescendo. Kieslowski's name shows up on screen. The trilogy ends.

Expressing a simple thought, that the ideals of liberty, equality or fraternity will all turn hollow if there is no love, in the most brilliant manner these movies are a life changing experience. Do watch!

Next up on the list - The Decalogue!